At the moment the instrument is available with Cu radiation.
Please let the tool responsible know one week in advance if you would like to perform an experiment with a different wavelength.
The D8 DISCOVER is a precise and powerful X-ray powder diffractometer and designed for the use in various applications in material research, powder diffraction and high resolution diffraction.
Bruker D8 Diffractometer in Bragg-Bretano Theta-Theta geometry.
The diffractometer is equipped with a Siemens Cu and Co X-ray tube emitting X-ray radiation with a characteristic Kα1 radiation with 1.5418 Å, 1.7902 Å respectively. Furthermore it has a Bruker LYNXEYE XE high-resolution energy-dispersive detector with a spatial resolution of 75 micrometer and an active window of 14.4 mm x 16 mm. You find the data sheet here.
FLIP-STICK with numbered sample magazine.
This set-up can be used in Bragg-Brentano geometry with either a single sample holder or with a so called FLIP-STICK. That sample stage makes it possible to measure up to 9 samples automatically.